The Human Side of Co...

Technology and programming in today’s world keep evolving and they have become almost part of every day life. Underneath the shiny interfaces, strong apps, and connected networks is a space where brains communicate in words. The interplay of programming and the mind, focusing on how it...

Programming and Phys...

Programming is a quick-witted field where code-lines have very accurate measures and algorithms are finely tuned for efficiency purposes. While the popular perception of an average programmer as a ‘keyboard warrior’ who stays seated at their desk for hours cannot be ignored, there are...

Building a Strong Co...

The idea of a solid codebase in the realm of programming has interesting similarities to the methodologies that bodybuilders follow while striving towards muscle growth. Both undertakings require dedication, perseverance and an organized plan aimed at lasting fulfillment. This article...

Building Strong Code...

The World Of Programming is filled with a need for technical expertise which requires a person to devote whole long hours of his life to creativity, problem solving and serious mind draining concentration. The downside of this type of field can have people facing detrimental threats to their...

How to Stay Healthy ...

You don’t realize what you have till the point when you lose it. Everyone realize what it implies, yet we frequently ignore that it additionally applies to our wellbeing and health. Not the slightest bit is this object proposed to address you or influence you to feel regretful about...